Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Views in MVC 4 Application

In This article I am going to explain views in mvc application.I want to display list of countries as shown in figure.

  Now go to visual studio create one empty mvc cotroller or we can use home controller and look at the index action method return type is ActionResult but we want to display the list of countries means we have to return the list of strings.
public List<string> Index()
            return new List<string>()

Run the application, give the controller name in url and we expect the output as list of countries but we will get name of the type (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])

To fix this we can actually add a view .The purpose of view is to format the data in page we want and present it to the end user. First we need to add a view to the project, right click any where on the index function and select add view.

The name of view and the name of the controller action method matching here, select razor as view engine and leave the rest of defaults we discuss strongly typed view in coming articles. Before going to click on add just watch the views folder ,it has no files now add a view watch the views folder it has index.cshtml file.
To return a view first we have to change return type of index action method. I will change return type as ActionResult, view inherits from ActionResult. We have to pass the list of counties from controller to view,to achieve this we need to store these list of counties in ViewBag or ViewData. ViewBag and  ViewData is a mechanism to pass data from controller to view.

Here Counties (viewbag.countries) is dynamic property, you can give any meaningful name instead of countries.
Now go to view i.e Index.cshtml ,In this view we need to retrieve the list of countries from the viewbag object and display them to the user. Let’s change the code in the Index.cshtml

In above code we use @ symbol to switch between html and c# code. Now run the application and see the following output

tags:views in mvc  ,views in asp.net mvc ,views in mvc 4,
views in mvc 4